Ucom offers Wi-Fi as a Service to Its Business Customers
Ucom offers new WiFiaaS (Wi-Fi as a Service) service to its business customers, which will enable you to benefit from the stable Wi-Fi coverage, as well as secure, fast and quality connection. WiFiaaS service includes site inspection and Wi-Fi network design, execution of the installation works, preliminary adjustment of the network, network optimization with appropriate parameter changes, devices’ upgrade, remote network management, quality control, warranty service throughout the term of the contract, and the monthly service per device makes just 2000 AMD.
“Today each businessman’s daily life depends on fast, high-quality internet access. Ucom is the first in Armenia today to offer this unique service providing Wi-Fi coverage, which can be used by any business and entrepreneur, regardless of the fact, which operator’s clients they are”, said Ara Khachatryan, Director General at Ucom.
Let us underline, that service is available to all those who have internet access, regardless of the operator. Moreover, the service is provided 24/7.