“Ucom Sport” Challenge Kicks off During Tokyo 2020 Timeframe
From July 29 to 23:59 of August 8, 2021, during the period of Tokyo Olympics Ucom launches the “Ucom Sport” Challenge on TikTok and Instagram. During this contest-challenge, Ucom employees will demonstrate their sports skills in a short video format, after which they will challenge other users to share similar videos using the #UcomSport hashtag.
At the end of the contest, 10 winners will be selected: 5 from TikTok and the other 5 – from Instagram. The condition for winning is to get the maximum amount of views. The winners will receive a Canyon SB41BG fitness smartband.
«As a person who does boxing, I myself have accepted this challenge. Join the “Ucom Sport” challenge, showcase your sports skills and tell us what your sport is. By the way, the most interesting, most sporty participant selected by the jury of the Ucom team, will receive a special prize – an electric scooter», said Ara Khachatryan, Director General at Ucom.
Let us add, that one and the same participant may become winner both by the number of views and Ucom’s jury choice.