Ookla® Has Awarded Ucom with both “The Fastest Fixed Network in Armenia 2022” and “The Fastest Mobile Network” Speedtest® Awards
Ookla, the the global leader in internet testing and analysis has awarded Ucom with both “The Fastest Fixed Network in Armenia 2022” and “The Fastest Mobile Network in Armenia 2022” awards based on analysis by Ookla® of the Speedtest Intelligence® data during Q1-Q2 2022.
Ookla® has collected and analyzed the results of over 750 thousand of consumer-initiated tests using Speedtest for both fixed and mobile internet users across Armenia.
“Speedtest Awards, presented by Ookla, are reserved for an elite delegation of network operators that have delivered exceptional internet performance and coverage within a market. It is our pleasure to present Ucom with the awards for both Fastest Fixed Network and Fastest Mobile in Armenia. This recognition is testament to their exceptional performance in Q1-Q2 2022 based on Ookla’s rigorous analysis of consumer-initiated tests taken with Speedtest”, said Tom Opaczyk, Sales Director at Ookla®.
“In the past 2 years we tripled fixed broadband speeds for 30 thousand of our existing subscriber base at no cost. As of Q2 2022 Ucom reached all time high fixed broadband revenue and subscriber market share and at the same time we managed to propel the fastest market share growth among competitors. Moreover, nearly half of our fixed broadband subscribers already enjoy Unity bundles powered by unlimited mobile internet, blazing fast low latency home internet with the latest Wi-Fi 6 technology and 210+ channels. As for the mobile business, since the introduction of “Level Up” mobile offer in the second half of year 2021, a record number of mobile subscribers joined Ucom and currently almost half of Ucom’s voice subscriber base enjoys the benefits of that tariff plan. By the way, from January to November 1, 2022, a record number of mobile subscribers switched from the competition to Ucom, which made 2.7X increase vs the same period last year”, specified Ara Khachatryan, Director General at Ucom, “I express my gratitude to the entire Ucom team, each of the 1,500 employees, from cablemen and network engineers to call center operators, for ensuring smooth customer experience at Ucom. These two awards are the best assessment of our joint efforts not only on the scale of the Armenian market, but also on the regional and CIS countries’ levels”.
Ookla’s methodology ensures accuracy of the data and reduces bias from things like repeated testing or those attempting to skew the results. The company also uses a variety of other methods to prevent fraudulent or inaccurate results.
For a given location, the company aims to include only fixed networks that provide service for a significant number of customers in a specific geographic area. So, while one provider might be fastest in a particular city or region, they may not be suitable to be included in the fastest provider nationwide because they only serve a very small portion of that country. To be included in a given geographic area, a fixed network must meet a minimum threshold based on the number of unique devices testing each day over a six month period.