Google Pay™ is available for Acba bank customers
Starting from today, Acba bank’s customers can use the simple, safe and reliable innovative tool – Google Pay. It is possible to make Google Pay transactions even without internet connection.
From now on, the bank’s Visa and Mastercard cardholders have a chance to make non-cash, fast and innovative payments via their smartphones and watches running on Android operational system.
It’s enough to wake up your phone or watch running on the Android OS and bring it close to the payment terminal or ATM to make a contactless payment or withdraw money.
Using Google Pay, it is also possible to make payments on online platforms where Google Pay is accepted as a form of payment.
If you are not yet a cardholder of Acba Bank, but you want to take advantage of the new opportunity to make convenient payments, you can apply online through the bank’s website, or visit any of the bank’s branches. You can order a digital card of the bank via Acba digital system.
Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.
To learn more on Google Pay, follow this link.
To learn more about Acba bank, visit the bank’s official website.
The bank is supervised by RA CB.