Summing up the year at IDBank
2022 has been another year full of challenges for all of us, given the military operations and border tensions in the region, their consequences, as well as the tense relations between the allied countries.
Despite all this, we tried to overcome all difficulties with honor and develop even faster. Therefore, summing up the results of the year, one cannot fail to note some achievements and purely numerical indicators. Well, let’s start.
- In 2022, we served 20% more customers,
- We delivered full digital banking to 28% more users,
- We issued and provided 20% more cards, becoming the largest VISA card issuer in Armenia,
- Our customers have scanned 3 times more QR codes for contactless payment at more than 14,000 points of sale,
- More than 50,000 customers have used Rocket Line services, and Rocket Line 0% operates in more than 5,000 points of sale,
- We managed to issue two new types of cards: Visa Business Platinum and Visa Travel, designed specifically for business and travel,
- We have participated in a number of events such as Toon Expo 2022, Gyumri Tech Week, Silicon Mountains,
- We paid twice as much taxes, contributing to the development of our state.
We also want to mention the achievements of the beloved initiative of our team and clients “The Power of One Dram”. This year the initiative turned 2 years old, and we can proudly say that we have already overcome the milestone of 111 million drams by supporting 9 beneficiary organizations and foundations that most needed it.
Well, at the end of the year, we decided to increase the number of good deeds and initiate the “Act of Kindness” campaign, within which we decided allocate most of the budget of Idram and IDBank New Year gifts to charity, passing the challenge to our partners.
We have even bigger plans for 2023. We are confident that, together with our partners and clients, we can achieve much more impressive results by providing the best banking experience to our clients and being the best choice for our partners.
And now we want to wish our customers a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas: let the new year 2023 be a year filled with great and noble goals, good deeds and happy moments for all of us.
Peace to our country, love and warmth to all our families.