Converse Bank has launched Haylend platform to attract online bank deposits from abroad
In partnership with Haylend Converse Bank launched a project to attract online deposits through the platform www.haylend.com .
“Converse Bank is the first and currently the only bank in Armenia, which has launched a platform that enables people living in different parts of the world, including the Diaspora Armenians, to make a deposit in the Bank on favorable terms. The project allows us to improve and expand the geography of digital banking, introducing a new culture of banking services on digital platforms”, says Converse Bank.
Deposits in national currency and US dollars will be attracted for a period of up to 4 years with an annual interest rate of 10% and 5.75%, respectively. The minimum deposit amount is 2,000 US dollars and 1 million Armenian drams. Interest is paid at the end of the deposit period.
Initially, services will be available in the United States, and subsequently will be expanded to cover Asia and Europe.