Winners of a special promotion by Converse Bank and Mastercard receive a holiday gift card
Converse Bank has recapped the results of the special promotion run in collaboration with Mastercard.As a prize Converse Bank offered to its 20 most active Mastercard holders who would make purchases from 1st September until 30th November including, a three-day family holiday gift card to be used in Armenia (for 2 adults and 2 kids) and the rest of the participants of the special promotion were offered a cashback up to 30,000 AMD.
The Cashback prize money was transferred to the participants at the end of last year. In total, about 12 million AMD was returned to about 1600 customers. As their holiday destination the winners of holiday gift cards got to choose between Dilijan and Tsakhkadzor during a draw at a recent event.
“I have been participating in Converse Bank’s special promotions for several years now and I often win. The bank’s promotions are interesting and unique, I advise to take part in them.” – Artak (one of the clients who received a holiday gift card.)
Converse Bank plans to announce new and exciting promotions and loyalty programs in the near future.
Converse Bank is overseen by Central Bank of Armenia.