Converse Bank bonds can now be purchased via the mobile application
Converse Bank bonds are now also available via our mobile application. Here, in a matter of minutes you can complete the entire purchasing process of the bonds from opening a security account to signing the contract. Full information on bonds placement is also available on the app.
To purchase bonds please launch the app and on the home page click on the ‘+’ sign to launch the applications page, then select ‘invest’ and follow the instructions:
Please note that Converse Bank is currently placing nominal coupon bonds totaling 2 billion AMD and 10,000,000 USD. The coupon yield of the bond is 10% and 4% respectively, the coupon payment frequency is semi-annual.
Further details about the issuance and the placement, as well as program prospectus and final terms can be found at https://www.conversebank.am/en/2022issue/.
Once totally placed, the bonds will be listed on the Armenian Stock Exchange for trading in the secondary market. Any funds associated with the bonds are guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund. Any income generated through the bonds is exempt from taxes.
For further information please contact us on +37410511 273, +37410511 206, +37410511 247, +37410511 248 or in writing at dealingcentre@conversebank.am, investments@conversebank.am.
Converse Bank is overseen by Central Bank of Armenia.