The Power of One Dram to the Road of Life Charitable Organization
“The Power of One Dram” initiative sums up the program of the April month, as a result of which AMD 3,913,063 gathered will be directed by the beneficiary “4090” fund to the provision of tuition fees for students participating in the four-day and 44-day wars, giving the opportunity to a hundred of young people to change their quality of life through education.
“Besides the direct support to the fund, we support the beneficiaries of the fund for the second time already. In other words, the graduates of the 2023-2024 school year and the most active students, beneficiaries of the fund, will receive idplus gift cards in the amount of AMD 40,000 each, with which they can make purchases at all points of sale where there is a possibility to pay with Idram. We fully hope that with this money, students will be able to purchase the books they need and further deepen their knowledge in their chosen field,” said Tatevik Vardevanyan, head of the communications unit of Idram and IDBank.
The companies inform that the May beneficiary of The Power of One Dram is the “Road of Life” charitable organization that deals with the diagnosis, provision of medication and treatment of children with epilepsy.
It’s already the second time that The Power of One Dram has supported these funds. According to Tatevik Vardevanyan, this comes from the fact that the CSR programs of companies are based not only on the objective, but also on the continuity.
“The “Road of Life” charitable organization provides children diagnosed with epilepsy with the medication and services that cannot be obtained within the framework of the government procurement. In this regard, any support directly affects the quality of life of the beneficiary children and their families, and this is of utmost importance, because the best environment for overcoming the problems of children with this diagnosis is a warm family atmosphere. Thanks to this invaluable support, our foundation also had the opportunity to implement long-awaited and planned charitable events and projects” says Elena Baghdasaryan.
Good deeds make a person happy, and it is much easier to do them with us: just make all your payments with the Idram&IDBank application, IDBanking.am online platform, Idram and IDBank terminals, and for each payment you make, the companies will donate one dram to good causes.