Converse bank has considerably improved the terms of issuing some loans
Converse Bank has launched a campaign of issuing loans secured with real estate as collateral and credit cards, significantly improving the lending terms. Loans are issued with the purpose of refinancing loans existing at other banks.
“With the launch of this campaign by Converse Bank, in the first place, the lending process has been simplified. Today, depending on the loan type, income analysis is not required for lending in the amount of AMD 15-25 million/its equivalent in foreign currency. Review of the loan application, loan disbursement and its encashment are done free of charge, and the costs of preliminary evaluation of the pledged property and notarization are covered by the Bank”, – they said at the Bank.
Within the framework of the campaign, loans for acquisition and construction of real estate are issued with maturity up to 180 months; loans secured with real estate as collateral and credit cards with non-restorable limit – with maximum maturity of 84 months.
The campaign is valid until June 30, 2018.
For details, please follow the link https://www.conversebank.am/hy/action/