Ucom Has an iPhone Upgrade Offer
From now on Ucom, the official partner of Apple, offers its subscribers the opportunity to upgrade those iPhone smartphones, which were purchased from Ucom during the recent 6 to 18 months.
To benefit from the offer one must have been a subscriber to the Universal, Universal Plus tariff plans or Monthly Subscriptions during at least 1 year. The subscribers will be able to handover their old iPhones and acquire new ones only at Ucom’s sales and services center, located on Northern Avenue. The value of the iPhone subject to upgrade will be determined during the transaction.
«I’m glad we can offer Ucom subscribers new services and possibilities, which so far were not applicable to them. The iPhone upgrade possibility is offered worldwide and should have been carried forward by our company as well», said Hayk Yesayan, the Co-founder and Director General at Ucom.
Let us add, that only individual customers can benefit from the offer, and the rest of the details can be found via this link.