100 tons of humanitarian aid will be provided to 5,000 families from Artsakh within the framework of cooperation between the Armenian Red Cross Society and Galaxy Group of Companies
United and caring: оne of Armenia’s largest conglomerates, Galaxy Group of Companies, together with the Armenian Red Cross Society, initiates a humanitarian initiative aimed at supporting forcibly displaced Armenians of Artsakh. In this regard, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Armenian Red Cross Society and the Galaxy Group of Companies on October 11 at the headquarters of the Armenian Red Cross Society.
The memorandum was signed by Dr. Anna Yeghiazaryan, Secretary General of Armenian Red Cross Society, and Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy Group of Companies, believing that care and responsibility are vital for people in these hard times for the world.
“We are all united and willing to provide humanitarian relief to our fellow Armenians forcibly displaced from Artsakh. In this regard, I greatly appreciate our cooperation with the Armenian Red Cross Society that has already conducted tremendous work these days. This charitable action is not only a financial donation from the founders, but a collective support initiative from the Galaxy community, its companies and employees”, said Aram Khachatryan, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy Group of Companies.
As part of the initiative, 5,000 families forcibly displaced from the Republic of Artsakh will receive 100 tons of food products in packages for daily needs and to withstand cold winter weather. The packages will be assembled based on the principles of selecting the best product. The delivery of the packages to 5000 families will be carried out by 300 volunteers from the Group’s employees together with the Armenian Red Cross Society.
The initiative is implemented together with the companies which are part of Galaxy Group of Companies – Chronograph, Gate2, IUNetworks, Megafood, Paul Armenia, Santafe, Teryan5, Time, Ucom and Yerevan Mall with substantial financial support from the founders. Organizational activities of the initiative will be carried out by AxelMondrian and Partners, and the selection of beneficiaries and distribution of packages will be organized with the support of the Armenian Red Cross Society.
“We welcome and highly appreciate the steps taken by the corporate sector to demonstrate social responsibility aimed at relieving the hardships of vulnerable groups as much as possible. I am confident that such an exemplary, comprehensive, multifaceted and continuous cooperation between a humanitarian organization and a group of business companies is an effective format for providing humanitarian assistance and increasing the resilience of communities,” said Dr. Anna Yeghiazaryan, Secretary General of Armenian Red Cross Society.
The cooperation and preparations for the package delivery for the winter season have already started, and the distribution within the regions will start from the mid-October. The parties will present transparency and accountability reports to the public.
Galaxy Group of Companies, founded by Aram Khachatryan, Gurgen Khachatryan and Artyom Khachatryan, is an Armenian holding company that represents 15 companies in 3 countries. The company directs efforts and funds to the implementation of corporate social responsibility programs in Armenia for the development of thought leadership and intellectual capital in the fields of education, social development and art. In recent years alone, Galaxy Group of Companies has implemented 64 large-scale CSR projects, which directly benefited more than 10,000 people.
The Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS), being a full member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, is guided by the fundamental principles of the Movement: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntarism, Uniqueness, Universality. Being an auxiliary organization to the government in the humanitarian field, for 103 years now, the ARCS has been operating in the following strategic directions throughout the country: disaster management, population movement, social and health care, first aid, response to youth problems, dissemination of humanitarian values, etc. The mission of the ARCS is: to reduce the vulnerability of the population through mobilization of the power of humanity. To be prepared to cope with situations, which may cause vulnerability among the population. To provide essential support by assisting people made vulnerable by harsh socio-economic conditions.