Viva-MTS. Housewarming half a century after the start of construction
The village of Kaqavadzor in Aragatsotn region celebrates a housewarming. Three generations have participated in a house construction that has started half a century ago. The problem of building a house for the family of Matevosyans that had passed from generation to generation is now finally solved. Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia assisted the Matevosyans in that. In over 10 years of partnership 69 families have been assisted by the housing project so far in just Aragatsotn region.
The Matevosyan family of four has lived in a two-room damp and dark house a whole life. Vardan, the father of the family, had tried to amend the unattractive housing conditions of his father’s house following the birth of his elder son; he tried expanding the space, adding more rooms, and creating necessities. Although the construction had started 29 years ago, the family managed to build just part of it. Instead of opting for a comfortable life, the parents made the future of their children a priority and had to adapt to the existing housing conditions for many years. The scarce finances of the family were spent to ensure higher education of their son. The construction, which lasted many years, was completed three months ago. Hovhannes, who was born in that unattractive building, now a 29 year old young man, has also participated in the house construction.
“Our house was started in 1971; my grandfather had laid the first bricks. My father and I tried to continue his work. We made extensions to the rooms; however, after having built the walls and the ceiling, the house remained unfinished. All of us work; nevertheless, the daily expenses do not allow completing the construction. Were it not for your support, perhaps, we would have never finished the construction,” said Hovhannes.
The Matevosyans are one of the beneficiary families of the 2021 housing project. In 2021 alone, Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia solved the housing problem of 87 families.
“We have been sparing no effort to convey to the public a system of values that is grounded on the idea of mutual support by means of building homes, communities, and country. We plead to deny indifference and strive to always follow this rule whenever possible. The rhythm of life has changed in recent years, so did our methods of work. That surely kept us away from meeting the beneficiary families in person, or volunteering in construction works, but it never changed our commitment to implement the project. I am happy to see yet another family having managed to fulfill a long-cherished dream. Try to forget the years of hardships and let those memories behind. Our purpose is to see you getting stronger. This program can be called a fundamental success even if it makes happier and more optimistic just one person,” Viva-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said during the video call.
“Unfortunately, there are still many families in Armenia who are deprived of a safe roof over their heads and basic housing conditions. It’s so gratifying to see the contentment of these families. I am hopeful, that each stone put on the foundation of the house and each nail hit strengthens our will. We build a home; hence, a community and a Homeland is built,” said Ashot Yeghiazaryan, the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President.
Owing to the support by Viva-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, in 10 years of partnership, 400 families have already enjoyed having a decent home.
Viva-MTS (MTS Armenia CJSC) is Armenia’s leading telecommunications operator, having the widest network reach and spreading a wide range of Voice and Data services all across Armenia. Having the best of the Armenian people at heart since its launch on 1st July 2005 and in a short period of time Viva-MTS has managed to build a nationwide network and a considerable customer base. Viva-MTS drives innovation and aims at always being at the forefront of any development serving the Armenian mobile communications market. The company follows the guidance provided by ISO 26000 (International Standard of Social Responsibility), ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (Information Security Management System), and ISO 37001 (International anti-bribery management systems standard).
Mobile TeleSystems PJSC (“MTS”) is the leading telecommunications group in Russia and the CIS, offering mobile and fixed voice, broadband, pay-TV as well as content and entertainment services in one of the world’s fastest-growing regions. Including its subsidiaries, the Group services over 86.5 million mobile subscribers in Russia, Armenia and Belarus. Since June Y2000, MTS’ Level 3 ADRs have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol MBT). Additional information about the MTS Group can be found at: www.mtsgsm.com
Fuller Center for Housing Armenia is a non-governmental, charitable organization that supports community development in the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh by assisting in building and renovating simple, decent, and affordable homes, as well as advocating the right to a decent shelter as a matter of conscience and action. FCHA provides long-term, interest-free loans to low-income families. The monthly repayments flow into a Revolving Fund, which is used to help more families, thereby providing a financial foundation for sustainable development. Since 2008 the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has assisted about 1300 families. For more information, please visit www.fcharmenia.org or email us at fcarmenia@fcharmenia.org